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Soul-Care During the Corona Confinement
"And they all lived in little boxes and they all looked just the same."
We are all living in our little boxes during this pandemic. Walls are walls. They all look the same. We all have the same rules. Stay home & wash!
Have any of you said, "Someday when I have time I"m going to ____?"
For me that was starting a blog. Challenge: Use only four letter words in the topics.
Ideas that educate, motivate, inspire, and empower in an entertaining way.
Ideas from familiar sayings, proverbs, and quotes from modern and ancient texts.
Sharing thoughts that help keep my soul safe and sane.
Soul-Care Blogs
Doodling is a pass time. During this Corona Confinement I doodle to pass time as I listen to on-line teaching and interviews. Better than too many snacks or naps. Without realizing it, these have been therapy when not knowing what else to do. There's no business as usual.
Feeling-Art Therapy
Like many I ponder my fate in the face of what we can't see or change right now.
This too shall pass.
Have any of you said, "Someday when I have time I"m going to ____?"
For me that was starting a blog. Challenge: Use only four letter words in the topics.
Ideas that educate, motivate, inspire, and empower in an entertaining way.
Ideas from familiar sayings, proverbs, and quotes from modern and ancient texts.
Sharing thoughts that help keep my soul safe and sane.
Soul-Care Blogs
Doodling is a pass time. During this Corona Confinement I doodle to pass time as I listen to on-line teaching and interviews. Better than too many snacks or naps. Without realizing it, these have been therapy when not knowing what else to do. There's no business as usual.
Feeling-Art Therapy
Like many I ponder my fate in the face of what we can't see or change right now.
This too shall pass.